Now enrolling for 2025-2026

Elementary (Ages 5 – 9 years)

Completion of the Montessori preschool program does not mark the end of the Montessori experience. In fact, it is a new beginning in the child’s learning potential. By age six, the child is ready to build upon the concrete learning pathways of preschool and move to the more abstract concepts in the elementary program. The Montessori curriculum is carefully sequenced. Teachers record all student progress through careful observation. Each child’s progress is assessed individually, and he or she is not compared to the performance of other children. Therefore, traditional letter grades are not necessary. Children have simply presented in the next lesson as they master the one before. This creates a non-competitive environment of safety and acceptance.

Our elementary program offers individualized education, cooperative group work, choice of activity, and independence. The children also learn how to manage their time and resources, as they are held accountable for completion of daily, weekly, and long-term assignments.

Our broad curriculum absolutely exceeds state standards with areas of study including:

  • Language: Reading, Spelling, Grammar, Word Study, Creative Writing, Literature, Handwriting, Poetry
  • Mathematics: Counting, Place Value, the Four Operations, Decimal System, Fractions, Time, Money, Geometry, Graphing, Logic, Problem Solving, Probability, Squaring, Cubing, and Algebra
  • Science: Botany, Zoology, Ecology, Geology, Nutrition, Human Body Study, Chemistry, Physical Science
  • History and Social Studies: Physical and Political Geography, Economics, Timeline of Life, Early Humans, Ancient Civilizations, Native Americans, and American History
  • Advanced Practical Life Skills: Cooking, sewing, weaving, plant and pet care. We maintain a well-kept classroom thanks to the weekly student jobs such as table washing, dusting, sweeping, recycling, and taking out the trash.
  • Enrichment: Art, Drama, Music, Music History and Appreciation, Computer, Physical Education, and Foreign Language. Optional classes include Dance, Sports, Gymnastics, Science, and Spanish.

Many people ask how well a child will later transition to a traditional school. Because our teachers blend the Montessori math, language, science, and geography materials with the use of some traditional materials, the children are well equipped at any age to transition out of Montessori. In fact, they leave our school with skills that will aid them the rest of their lives: flexibility, problem-solving, questioning strategies, research experience, and high academic skills. We expose the children to a vast variety of learning materials and also emphasize life-long learning, respect, and cooperation. A typical Montessori elementary child is not only intellectually very competent but also possesses leadership, collaboration skills, and a love of learning that far surpasses most others.